Waterproofing, Air Vapor Barrier, Caulking
Neighbors and Smith is a 19,281 square foot retail and office space located in Camp Hill, PA. The first phase of this project is complete. The Witmer Group is working on the second phase, projected to be completed by the Fall/ Winter of 2020.
The Work performed by The Witmer Group –
•6, 061 square feet below grade waterproofing
•24, 646 liner feet of air vapor barrier detailing
•31, 181 square feet of fluid applied air vapor barrier
•8, 210 linear feet of joint sealants / expansion joints
The following manufacturer’s products were used on the project:
•GCP Applied Technologies – Bituthene 3000 Sheet Membrane Waterproofing, Preprufe 300R Pre-Applied Waterproofing Membrane & Perm-A-Barrier VPL Fluid Applied Vapor Permeable Air Barrier Membrane
•Pecora Joint Sealants
•Emseal Expansion Joint