The Enola First Church of God is a beautiful multi-level building with brick veneer and large areas of Dryvit (EIFS) veneer. The EIFS areas include fancy detail trim around the windows and large quoin trims on all four corners of the main building. Years of weather exposure caused fading and hairline cracks in the EIFS finish, including severe erosion around the window details and quoins.
The Witmer Group completed an extensive restoration of the EIFS veneer and restored the building to its original beauty and weather tight condition. The scope of work included a thorough cleaning of all EIFS areas, recaulking all EIFS joints and repairing the tops of the window details and quoins. We installed a fresh basecoat of Dryvit® Dryflex™ on all areas and also embedded new mesh in a fresh basecoat of Freestyle® and applied a new finish coat of Quartzputz™ on two of the elevations.
Finally, we applied two coats of HDPTM paint on all EIFS surfaces to restore and blend all the older and newer materials for a beautiful and color matched finish. The Witmer team completed a stunning, high quality job, on time and without disrupting the Church’s daily functions. The Church congregation will enjoy many years of beauty and service from their “like new” exterior finishes.