New Before and After Video
Take a look at one of our masonry restoration projects the UPMC Hanover Hospital Garage in Hanover, PA. A wonderful transformation! Follow the “Before and After’s” playlist on Facebook to see more prestigious project transformations.
Hanover Garage Scope of Work:
1.Concrete Repairs included Horizontal, vertical, and overhead locations.
•We removed all deteriorated materials
•Profile the perimeter edges of all deficient areas to create a minimum of ½” in-depth
•Removed rust from all exposed steel rebar and removed concrete material away from the entire diameter of the steel reinforcing
•Install a corrosive inhibitor paint to all-steel reinforcing
•Prime coated all concrete areas
•Installed concrete repair materials to match the existing profile of all adjacent materials
2. Cleaned all open grout plugs in concrete piers and installed concrete repair material to fill all open voids.
3. Remove existing caulking in all driving surfaces along with the cove base joint at the perimeter parapet walls and installed traffic grade sealants.
4. Removed the existing sealants in all existing control joints in the exterior brick veneer and install a new silicone sealant.
5. Saw cut all tight and compressed control joints to create a ½” wide joint.
6. Pressure washed the entire garage area (driving surfaces) and removed all contaminants and install a traffic grade surface treatment manufactured by Evonik.
7. Repaired all damaged and deteriorated concrete blocks on all perimeter parapet walls installed a Sikagard coating system in all areas.
8. Cut out and repointed all deteriorated brick veneer mortar joints on the exterior perimeter garage walls.
9. Cleaned all coping stones on all perimeter parapet walls and installed 1-1/2” wide silicone strips over all segmented joints and both bed joints.
10. Install a water repellant to all exposed brick veneer on the outer face of the garage.